- Narrator (US version): If you go to the right, you'll get rich. If you go to the left, you'll get married. If you go straight ahead, you'll get killed.
- Ilja Muromets: It's too early for me to get married, and it's no use for me to be rich. I'd better go the way to be killed.
- Prince Vladimir [Prince Vanda, US]: I am giving to Ilya Ivanovich gold armour, and to Myshatychka, a cauldron of tar!
- Prince Vladimir [Prince Vanda, US]: In Kiev, you are judged by appearance upon meeting, by mind upon leaving.
- Prince Vladimir [Prince Vanda, US]: Those three days have passed. The pagans are at Kiev, but our host is nowhere to be seen.
- Ilja Muromets: Let me go to this dog Kalin and bargain for three more days.
- Prince Vladimir [Prince Vanda, US]: Pour gold and silver in new sacks and load them into gilded carriages.
- Ilja Muromets: Heed the gray-headed man, Prince. You better load torn sacks in old carriages. I'll take with me just three bowls of rich gifts.
- Prince Vladimir [Prince Vanda, US]: Thank you, Ilya Ivanovich, for your great knightly service. It was not in vain that you went to Kalin. Look!
- Ilja Muromets: Fine lads!
- Prince Vladimir [Prince Vanda, US]: The land of Rus has no want of heroes!
- Ilja Muromets: This Kalin dog will be routed at Kiev.