- Dan O'Mara: I've always distrusted logic. Luckily, I never ran against it in law courts very often, or anywhere else. That's what makes life unexpectedly pleasant: the illogical. Like this moment, for instance.
- [last lines]
- Peter Lapham: That O'Mara put up a great fight.
- Daisy Kenyon: What do you know about fighting?
- Peter Lapham: When it comes to modern combat tactics, you're both babies compared to me.
- Daisy Kenyon: It's a funny thing about being in love. Sometimes it's easier to tell when you are than when you aren't.
- Dan O'Mara: Where's Coverly and Coverly?
- Marsha, Dan's Secretary: One foot in the grave, the other on my neck.
- Peter Lapham: Daisy, do you know you've never told me you love me? Don't say it now. I like you for not saying it. Let it grow. Let it grow until loving me means loving the earth, and all that's sweet and green and mellow and exciting on the face of the earth and the face of the ocean.
- Lucille O'Mara: I don't know what you're doing, but no one expects me to anymore, so it doesn't matter.
- Dan O'Mara: You think I know what I'm doing, baby?