I love the Maple City Four and their jug band number. Amazing how rhythms can captivate regardless how primitive the instruments. Gene's out to keep an oil well out of the hands of selfish no-goodnik George Wilkins. But first he's got to convince the townfolk that he's not the one trying to cheat them. Catch how that new-fangled gizmo, radio, is worked into the plot. Seems like the broadcasting studio can be anywhere. No formalities here. And what a personality Judy Allen is, with a smile to light up a whole room. Good thing she and Gene finally bury the hatchet. But does Frog finally net the butterfly. He's been after it for an hour. A couple of good touches. Note how baddie George keeps his black eye for several consecutive scenes. Most oaters would not bother with such detail. Also, the oil rig collapse looks like the real thing, and without stock footage or miniatures. So did they actually build one for the movie —see what you think. Anyway, it's the usual fine Autry mix with more than average number of songs, including an offbeat lariat duo. All in all, it's a solid production from Gene's Republic period.
A "7" on the matinée scale.