BRITISH MADE is the first feature film by Godiva Films, written and directed by Simon Rickards, it follows Daniel (James Knapp), a young man released from prison for his involvement with a far-right nationalist group, as he attempts to rebuild his life and uncover the truth behind his troubled past leading to violent consequences. It's a pretty low budget affair and was marketed as a football hooligan type film which really undersells it, people going into this movie expecting another Danny Dyer type Football Factory movie will be very disappointed. The directors passion for social realism and drama really shines through, it is a grim and pretty depressing drama, and is indebted to British film-makers such as Ken Loach, Mike Leigh, Shane Meadows, Lynne Ramsey and Danny Boyle, who all made very high quality films with low budgets. Written over a two-year period, with the director researching the subject intensively and always trying to base the script on real-life events, the film was selected for many film festivals around the world throughout 2019 and 2020 and won numerous awards. Screenings were held in London and it is available to stream on Amazon Prime video