HACKSAW is a found footage film which tells the story of a couple who while on a road trip have the misfortune of encountering a mass killer/urban legend.
I am a hardcore horror fan, but even I must admit this movie is really, really bad:
-a confusing and pointless intro that mixes gore with opening credits
-a generic and razor-thin plot that has been done a million times, with nothing original except the useless filler to achieve a runtime of just over an hour
-characters who are BOTH totally unrealistic AND supremely annoying
-a dialogue that is absolutely atrocious. A fav example:
"It will"
"It will"
"Aaaah, Stop it"
-a hamfisted attempt at exposition by means of insertion shots of some lame ass show that has "try hard" written all over it
-heavies who laugh evilly and pointlessly like sesame street villains
-scenes filmed in darkness so we can't tell what is going on
-practical gore effects in such close ups that you can't tell what is what
-logical gaps like a shirt that is all torn and spilling intestines suddenly being neat and undamaged a few minutes later
-mortally wounded extras that just won't the f die
-a supernatural twist so dumb you would think a six-year old thought of it
-the usual horror tropes, except executed execrably
The only positive aspect is the naturalistic acting by the beautiful Cortney Palm, but her cameo in the beginning of the film has no relevance to the rest of the movie and is essentially wasted.