Big game hunting will go the way of smoking. Hopefully any form of hunting where a rifle is used 'to give an animal a fighting chance', will also stop. As a sport it's time has passed. This documentary is good in that it allows for the differing points of view to be expressed. I am a Christian and I understand when the hunter, who shoots the elephant and the lion at the end, quotes the reference to the Bible that states man has dominion over the animals ... but screw such Christians ... I'm glad I get sick and tired of listening to this statement in reference to a blood sport ... that screwball is crying at the end as he crouches by the lion he has just killed; psychopathic tendencies requiring emotional release through killing a living creature ... dominion over animals in this situation is a lie and shameful that he believes it. I'm an Aussie so I watch with some interest the fat, emotionally backward hunting fraternity foam at the mouth about their next kill ... most of the portrayals are about American hunters ... what's wrong with them and their love of guns, killing animals that are innocently grazing? They are ugly. In Australia we do just fine with a highly restrictive access to gun culture. In Yankeedoodledandy land they have the 2nd Amendment which inevitably is quoted endlessly as a right ... just straight out psychopathy. During the production the hunter lamely accuses the protesters against said blood sport of eating chickens that someone else has slaughtered for them ... of course this is going to be quoted. It always is. However it doesn't change anything about the unfolding attitude towards killing wild animals for sport and trophies. What's wrong with the mentality of people who love weapons, love killing and generally can't find any other way to express themselves? Is this the 18th Century? I can't help hate these hunters which leads me to hating all countries that engage in weapon worship and justify it with 'rights' and self defense manifestations and possibilities. It's disgraceful. The one thing I really liked is the tough guy with tattoos who was visibly unhappy with the dentist who shot Cecil the lion. Someone like him is going to attitude assist these dumb hunters, who stupidly allowed themselves to a part of this documentary and make themselves known ... how careless!