The movie received a lot of negative criticism online, including the YouTube reviews like BadComedian or AniManiac.
The original book also ends with the explanation that Harry Potter, who is an antagonist in the book and was named "The great Harry", is in reality a disguised woman and Hermine's sister (who was named Germioma in the book). Also the magician Merlin is mentioned, who in the book was also described as a disguised woman. Another antagonist is the head of the magical league called Gendalfus Bencian Bendragon Tampldore was mentioned.
The production team did a showing tour around Russia to show this movie in schools, especially military schools.
The movie makers admitted on their website that nobody of the team had any experience in movie animation.
During the fairy-tale-like story of the movie several historical real life events were mentioned in reference to the work of wizards and witches, including the fall of the Byzantinic Empire in 1453, the Kosovo war in the 1990s, World War 2, the death of Jesus Christ etc. Also it is mentioned that the International wizard academy in the movie is based on the former Nazi institute "Ahnenerbe", which existed from 1935 till 1945 and did archaeological anthropological and historical research, especially on the subject of art robbery, human experiments etc.