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Cala Maria Looks A Little Sexual But Overall No Sex Or Nudity
Cala Maria is only wearing a bra and a fish skirt but she is a mermaid (mermaid are always depicted like this)
1 or 2 bosses can have suggestive designs.
In Sally Stageplay's boss fight level, there are two hanging cupid cardboard cutouts with their bare buttocks shown. They are only visible for the first phase.
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All of the violence in this game is incredibly stylized and cartoonish, just like you'd see in a 1930's cartoon. Very little of it is graphic and most of the violence is meant to be humorous.
The Violence is unrealistic, as are reactions to it. Characters flash when hit and disappear in puffs of smoke when defeated. Reactions are exaggerated and comical.
During the Werner Werman fight, a Tom and Jerry-esque battle, a giant cat eats the mouse. It is later revealed that the cat was a robot being piloted by the mouse.
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The final battle is titled "One Hell of a Time."
"Hell" is used a few times. Nothing mature.
"Hell" is used frequently
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One of the casino battles is against various living bottles of alcohol, some of them looking and acting like someone who has been heavily drunk.
Another casino boss fight is against a giant living cigar, with cigarettes flying in the middle of the screen.
Characters in the background are sometimes seen smoking or drinking.
Djimmi the Great smokes from a pipe.
The Devil smokes a cigar in a brief custcene due to being set in the 1930s.
Cuphead and Mugman can purchase different invigorating potion bottles that grants them different abilities. It's not mentioned they are alcoholic drinks, however one scene shows Cuphead jumping and changing shape after having one bottle. In one trailer it shows Cuphead pouring a bottle with xxx in his head.
When entering Inkwell Isle Three, it is seen that the Devil is smoking a cigar, due to the game being based on cartoons from the 1930:s.
Due to the game being set in a 1930s cartoon universe, alcohol and tobacco are shown being smoked by 8 enemies and bosses, including the Devil himself.
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While overall there isn't any content that would necessarily bother children it would be in their better interest to not be fooled by the 1930's tone as the game is best known for it's incredibly difficult boss battles, so much to the point that players have compared them to the difficulty of Dark Souls, Sekiro and Elden Ring
Some of the bosses and enemies could be scary for younger players.
The "bad ending" is rather disturbing.
The devil is mentioned frequently and this may scare younger children. However, it is very mild.
The devil might be scary for young children.
The Devil's appearance would frighten anyone under the age of 5. His design isn't scary at all, he's is rather goofy as depicted in the cuphead show.
The Devil is the main villain of the game. However, he is very goofy but can be very scary.
King Dice tends to make creepy facial expressions, it may disturb some players.
Bad ending can be disturbing if you join the Devil.
If Cuphead was a movie it'd be Rated PG for Cartoon Violence, Mild Language, Brief Drug Use, Intense Scenes, and Suggestive Material.