Excellent animation and charming characters lure you into this uplifting story. Set on a remote fishing island in southern Japan we meet a tomboy girl named Tonbo and a burned-out pro golfer named Igarashi. Each has their secrets, but they form a close friendship on a local golf course. Part of the story's interest is the gradual reveal of their hidden stories. Why did Igarashi exile himself to a remote community center? Why is the multi-talented Tonbo determined to never leave this small island?
The unusual island and its local culture adds to the appeal. Strange weather, unusual fish, and local customs frequently surprise Igarashi.
The story offers interesting and unique insights into golf. This is no surprise as it is based on a long running series in Weekly Golf Digest. You can learn some good ideas from their golf techniques.
You don't need to love golf to enjoy this story, but even a passing interest in golf will make this a real treat.
The unusual island and its local culture adds to the appeal. Strange weather, unusual fish, and local customs frequently surprise Igarashi.
The story offers interesting and unique insights into golf. This is no surprise as it is based on a long running series in Weekly Golf Digest. You can learn some good ideas from their golf techniques.
You don't need to love golf to enjoy this story, but even a passing interest in golf will make this a real treat.