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There are already over 2000 reviews for this....
11 November 2018
Because more than 2000 folks have already reviewed this film on IMDB, I'll keep my review very brief. After all...what's one more review among so many?!

The movie was a bit of a shock when I found it, as somehow I really didn't hear much about it and I wasn't even sure if it had yet debuted. Much of this is because after so many "Star Wars" films, I find that a sort of fatigue has set in...much like how I feel about all the super hero films. But, as I was on a 13+ hour flight, I wasn't in a position to be picky and decided to watch the movie.

I was surprised to read that the movie is only rated 7.0 (meaning it must have ticked off a lot of fans) and really made almost nothing at the box office. Much of this is because I actually enjoyed the picture...and more than I'd expected. The story about the young Han Solo is exciting throughout and I also appreciated its dark tone and willingness to kill off characters (much like the previous installment)...but perhaps this is why fans were not so impressed by this one. All I know is that I liked seeing a darker film and it kept my interest throughout.
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