This is an okay comedy for me that has become quite the cult classic in its own right. Released in the summer of 89 a year of many big hits, this movie just got lost in the shuffle, but found a home at the local video store. It follows Yankovic's character as he gets to run a television station and turns what should be just a filler channel into one of the top rated networks on television on the back of a wacky children's show host. Al is rather good in his performance and Michael Richards is good as the janitor turned star, and the movie has some really funny parody scenes that I found to be the highlight of this one. There are problems though as the movie bogs down here and there a couple of times and there is not all that much going on. Still it is worth a look as it has some very funny stuff in it as well. So if you want to watch poodles learn to fly, a hilarious Raiders and Rambo spoof, a janitor trying to fight for his freedom from some goons then check it out.