We have here another Naples based mob movie, and having been made in the parallel era to the acclaimed TV series Gamorroah, this film in comparison is a dud. Whatever it was they were attempting with this mob movie, they definitely failed at it badly, and personally I'm surprised it was even made in its format.
We have a biopic of Marcello 'Alendelòn' Cavani, but really it feels too fake, basically too much creative license has been taken with the storyline. We have a story that feels more like hagiography of the lead character, who is portrayed as a decent man, when really he is anything but when you scratch the surface. Much of the cast come over as cartoonish if not amateurish, and you often feel how did these guys ever rise to the top in the criminal world, the Inspector Clouseaus of the mobster world.
There really isn't much to say. This could have been an interesting insight of the Naples underworld, but cuts too many corners. Doesn't help that Gamorrah steamrollers all over this effort, and you could simply argue that this was created if only to be dragged along on the coattails of Gamorrah.
Personally, I'd recommend you NOT to bother with this effort.