This film begins with a young man by the name of "Robert" (Darrin Dewitt Henson) getting fired from a job at a company his father started but now being managed by a man named "Nate" (Josh Ventura). Needless to say, since he is a hard worker and Nate was his friend, this news comes as quite a shock to him. Not only that, but when he returns to his home, he finds that his girlfriend "Mita" (Erica Hubbard) is leaving him as well since, now being unemployed, he obviously cannot continue to support her in the manner she is accustomed to. He later discovers that Mita has been cheating on him with Nate. It's during this time that he meets an attractive female lawyer by the name of "Morgan" (Gabrielle Dennis) and sparks fly between them. The problem is that Morgan's ex-husband "Hill" (Lamman Rucker) is pressuring her reconcile with him and this makes any romance with Robert extremely difficult. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this was a cute rom-com helped in large part by the chemistry between Darrin Dewitt Henson and Gabrielle Dennis along with the comedy supplied by Christian Keyes (as Robert's cousin "Julian") and Erica Hubbard. Admittedly, the focus seems to be geared more towards a black audience but even so I still enjoyed this film and I have rated it accordingly. Slightly above average.