This is not a movie I went in expecting to love, in all honesty it was just the next film showing. Imagine my surprise when I was treated to one of the best comedies I have see in quite a while. Bateman and McAdams are as likeable and charismatic as you would expect and the rest of the cast are pretty great too. It helps that this cast were given well written, interesting characters to work with. This film also boasts brilliant and creative camera work as well as very imaginative transitions that help to draw the viewer into the story and show that a lot of thought and effort was put into the making of this film. There are a small handful of jokes that don't land and a small number of logical errors but for the most part it is a very funny and entertaining thrill-ride, also stay during the beginning of the credits as they are very well done. Keep away from trailers for this film as they do give some things away that are better not to know going in, once this hits Netflix definitely check it out.