The harsh beauty of the Himalayas serves as a backdrop to get another rendition of "The Monkey's Paw", a short story by W. W. Jacobs in the 2008 Nepali film, Kagbeni. It is the first digital film of Nepal, it has its own place in the history of Nepali Film Industry. And Bhushan Dahal made this film worth watching. First thing first, the story inherits some real tension from the original story which is beautifully complimented by the amazing performance from the lead actors. And it's the acting debut of the three leads: Saugat Malla, Deeya Maskey and Nima Rumba, which is brilliant; so natural and profound acting.
Kagbeni portraits the lifestyle and social images of northern rural part of Nepal. There are series of beautiful glittering images of Nepali culture and nature. The story is amazing and the cast, superb. Actually, the lead actor, Saugat Malla gives the most sensitive role and also this film feels like way ahead of it's time. I didn't expect Nima Rumba to perform so well as he is not a professional actor but a singer, which he proved me wrong.
This is a different film for the Nepali audience. The storyline and the acting fit perfectly and also it's story is not a typical Nepali film which we have been seeing since our childhood. I think this film is the first of it's kind at that time. From the very beginning, the film set a standard unlike any other Nepali films. And as the film progresses, I was stunned with how the film turned out. The characters are so believable (because of the Nepali society), so unpredictable and vulnerable at the same time.
Also, the message passed through the film is great.