1 May 2016. This sci fi psychological thriller is an elongated version of a plot found in the more recent television episode of "The Outer Limits." While the European movie version script has its merits, especially in the beginning scenes with a rather nice use of blurred focus and more of a somewhat humanizing element of a number of primary characters there isn't much more this movie has to offer. The American dubbed version is competent in its translation it seems, the psychological intensity besides a somewhat stereotypical interrogator and the interaction between the female translator, interrogator, and stranger is fascinating. The psychological threat is actually on par with the Cuban Missile Crisis in a number of ways.
The Italian script seems to use a twist in the typical American sci fi themes as well as copying "Outer Limits" tendency to surprise its own American roots as well and to decent effect. The problem with this movie is that there isn't really anything new that hasn't been done before nor done with more budgetary quality considerations. The movie is intact with a nice beginning, middle, and end, though its seems rather sharp in its approach. Other movies that have more of an intensity and compelling cinematic experience would be Planet of the Vampires (1965), The Thing (1982), Alien: Resurrection (1997), Sphere (1998), K-Pax (2001), Splice (2010), Devil (2010), Ender's Game (2013), and Oblivion (2013).