Start with the unoriginal failed-relationship-author premise. Add a totally unlikeable, make that hateable, woman. She's an arrogant,, self-absorbed, know-it-all who can't see the plain reality around her. Then she throws a tantrum stuck in an elevator and tops that off insulting the guy who keeps his cool to get them out. What a great start, but stick with it. It gets slightly better.
He's a little self-absorbed and arrogant himself, but much more quiet about it although he throws an insult or two at her. And a lot of secondary characters are pretty unlikeable.
Of course the two leads' ugly personalities don't last and they change completely. Trouble is, it's hard to believe a person like Charlotte can really change that much.
The middle is mostly about Charlotte being coached in the Wilderness. Sounds like a great opportunity of some breathtaking scenery. Nope. Most of the Wilderness stuff is shot either in the same spot on a lake, or the same clearing in the woods. You don't even get much look at what she can see off the deck of her cabin.
The conflict was predictable, although it has some twists too. Trouble is the twists are ridiculous and the way the conflict blows up is ridiculous too. No one is as stupid as what Charlotte does to make everything go bad.
Kimberly-Sue Murray and Steve Lund have chemistry. The acting is spotty. At times it seems half hearted, or like the actors are uncertain. The story is clumsy especially when it goes off the rails with the silly plot lines. That's not referring to a couple of funny moments which depend a little on the ridiculous like when Rob meets Charlotte's ex, or when he's teaching her to start a fire.
Technical point - a J-stroke does not mean constantly switching sides.