My son loves this show. He is 26 months old and is starting to read. He has the alphabet memorized and can identify letters when he sees them. This show is helping him to identify sounds of letters and how to form words with them. I don't really enjoy children's television shows myself. It is not about how interesting a show is to the parents, it is about how the children like the show and the redeeming qualities that the show contains. Some of the complaints are that it is repetitive and that the story needs to change to solve a particular issue. Children learn from repetition so they need this type of storyline. The story is about books and words so, of course, stories will need to change. It also teaches kids that books are fun and reading is fun. To those who think that you cannot look to a book to find a resolution to a problem, you are incorrect. Books are great to read to identify problems and find resolutions. I hope this show lasts a long time. Kudos to the creators.