I recently watched the Swedish film 🇸🇪 Knocking (2021) on Shudder. The storyline follows a woman who has recently been released from a psychiatric ward and is beginning her new life in a new apartment. However, she hears strange knocking from the ceiling and walls. Is she losing her mind, or is her apartment haunted?
Directed by Frida Kempff (Winter Buoy), the film stars Cecilia Milocco (The Circle), Ville Virtanen (Bad Family), Charlotta Åkerblom (Agent Hamilton), and Emil Almén (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo).
This movie focuses on a woman's deteriorating mental state with little else driving the plot. While the acting is solid and the ending is very good, it's a long, slow, laborious journey to get there. The film offers a unique depiction of an individual's mental state, and the special effects at the end are effective in portraying the struggle between truth and reality. It's a poignant reminder of the battles many people face, with or without paranormal phenomena.
In conclusion, Knocking has some interesting elements but not enough to stand out in the genre. I would score it a 5/10 and recommend skipping.