This was a show that didn't need to be made. It was based off a movie that also didn't need to be made(at least not without a few rewrites). The show focuses on a kid named Jimmy(Dominic James) who has to deal with the aftermath of his brain transplant and how it affects him in his daily life.
This causes him to hallucinate characters he grew up with much to the confusion of others. In addition to having to deal with school, he also has to deal with a nut trying to steal his brain as well as his wacky family. The one that stands out most is his adopted sister named Yancy. I have to admit I had a crush on her and she along with the cartoons were the only good thing to come out of this show.
Otherwise, this show was forgettable. The jokes aren't funny, the acting's stiff(though I can't blame the actors as they do what they can with the bland script), and the stories have potential but just aren't interesting. This's definitely one of Cartoon Network's worst shows aired. Looking back, I don't know how I watched it as a kid.
It's not awful or offensive, just dumb and forgettable. With being said, skip it. Leave it to be forgotten.