The Japanese people, throughout their history, have always been ruled by one of the most cruelest, arrogant and barbaric group of thugs ever in power...the uncaring Emperor's, Shoguns and the Samurai (who would behead peasants if they failed to bow to them). The leaders in WW2 were even more arrogant than any of their ancestors; and way more than American politicians and military warmongers. I am a person who has loved the art and history etc of the far east even though the people have a penchant for unbelievable and horrific violence. It is still prevalent today! If you also look into the history of America it also has a tainted and violent history (look at the mass slaughter and genocide of the Native American people, who once numbered 500 tribes).
I mention the above only so that people know that no country is a totally innocent country but, its ordinary citizens, its children etc should not be the recipient of such barbaric violence that is perpetuated in war!
Yes! Japan committed one of the most cowardly acts in history when they bombed Pearl Harbour but, America reciprocated with a cold hardhearted plan of the most despicable atrocity ever done to human beings! There is a whole lot of evidence to show that Japan was used as an Atomic testing ground...think Russia; that however is a story for another time elsewhere.
This is a documentary that should be shown to people around the world, in schools etc. The Japanese public should be told the real story (as I found it disgraceful that the younger people there had no idea of what pain Japan caused throughout the war) of what happened to their country on August 6th 1945 and, about the disgraceful way their government treats Hiroshima and Nagasaki victims to this very day! Stories like these need to be compulsory education so that you don't get numb-nut yanks and others blabbing about how so and so should be nuked etc, etc!
Its heartbreaking and will move many to tears but I fear documentary pieces, such as this, will not have the effect of pushing the world into the streets, to march, protest and call for the eradication of all Nuclear weapons.
WW3 will wipe out most of mankind and those who are left to start WW4 will only have rocks to throw! Einstein was so right when he said that!