Jaws with Claws (2006)
*** (out of 4)
Fans of the 1976 film GRIZZLY will enjoy this documentary that takes a look back at its making. We get interviews with actor Andrew Pine, producer (and in his words co-director) David Sheldon, actress Joan McCall and writer Harvey Flaxman. For the most part this documentary does a very good job at covering all aspects of the production including what they were wanting to do with the film (be the first to rip off JAWS) and how the production got off the ground. There's a nice tribute to director William Girdler who of course would sadly pass away a short time later. There are some good production stories dealing with what it was like working with the bears as well as what protections were taken to make sure the cast and crew weren't harmed. Overall there's certainly nothing ground-breaking about this documentary but fans of the film should enjoy it.