In this unconvincing horror film from India, some young snots from Delhi and their beautiful friends find their lives in danger when they are confronted with man-eating tigers in Orbit National Park. The mixture of adventure and animal horror film is clearly aimed at a more Western-oriented audience taste and does not achieve enough authenticity and credibility to really spread fear and terror. The wonderful shots of the tigers involved are well done.
The young John Abraham (born 1972) can be seen as Krish, who soon afterwards achieved an arthouse global success with "Water" (2006) and was nominated for an Oscar (losing to the German classic "The Lives of Others"), as a smart pretty boy enchanting RomComs ("Dostana" and "DesiBoyz") and then take off as a muscle-bound action star ("Force", "Race2" and "Rocky Handsome") who effortlessly beats his countless opponents.
Producing audience favorite Shah Rukh Khan also performs a song. Well, you don't have to see it!