I love this film, but I agree that the American subtitles are dreadful. I can understand a bit of Danish and I was watching it with a Danish speaker, so that helped, but actually the timing of the subtitles ruined half the jokes entirely. And if you're not American or Danish then the cultural references in the subtitles are completely baffling.
For reference: -"Disney Land" is used to translate "Tivoli", a very old and beautiful theme park in central Copenhagen. -"Six flags" is used to translate "Bakken", another old, but more down market theme park just outside Copenhagen. -"Canucks" is apparently a derogatory term for Canadians. It is used here to translate "Svenskere" (Swedes). -"Newport", apparently a port town in Rhode Island, is used to translate "Fredericia", another port town, but in eastern Jylland (Jutland).