Boy, this is right out of the B-Western handbook. There's singing narration ("He prays for the day/ He can put that gun away/ And stop -- this -- foooooolish game"), a funny sidekick (well, a sidekick, anyways), a mysterious hero, etc. The initial shootout contains highly original lines, such as: "There ain't room in this town for the two of us -- now draw!" Also, the Preacher (hero) is a master of deductive reasoning. Here is an example, (lines to the best of my recollection):
Preacher (after shooting a couple of guys): Do you know these men?
Sidekick: Nope, but I think I've seen one of them in town.
Preacher: That narrows it down then. It means we're looking for somebody from town.
The rest of the movie is pretty close to this. I must admit -- I used to have a "bad movie" radio spot where I recommended fun bad movies, and once I was at deadline without cutting my spot and without a movie to pull lines from. And presto -- this movie appeared on local TV, and I've never heard from it since. Good luck finding it -- it's bad! Also, I've got a copy of the movie poster that looks like it was drawn by a seven-year-old. Hilarious!