Brett Schaffer: Oh, wait a minute. Just tell me, how is that old Bill?
Alexandra Parkman: What do you mean, "how is he?"
Brett Schaffer: You know. How is he... in bed?
Alexandra Parkman: Is that all you ever think about?
Brett Schaffer: Yeah. No! Well, come on, you never talk about it.
Alexandra Parkman: Well, maybe I'm not obsessed with it, okay?
Brett Schaffer: [laughing] Oh, ho! Well, maybe you're afraid of it.
Alexandra Parkman: What are you, my analyst?
Brett Schaffer: No, as a matter of fact I just happen to be your friend and I'd just like to see you happy.
Alexandra Parkman: Well, maybe I don't think happiness is jumping in and out of bed with people.
Brett Schaffer: Thank you very much, Alex. Well, maybe I am just a little extreme. But you're extreme to the other extreme. Don't you wanna get poked?