Fantastic Voyage is cartoon based loosely on the 1966 film of the same name. In it, the Combined Miniature Defense Force selects four people for one mission: to combat the unseen, unexpected threats to freedom. Shrinking down and piloting the Voyager, the team, consisting of Commander Johnathan Kidd, mystic Guru, biologist Erica Lane, and scientist Bubsy Birdwell, must stop these evils causing the problems, and they have twelve hours to do so, as after that time, they will return to normal size.
So yes, it does have some differences from the film (mainly the time limit and the CMDF acronym meaning something different). As this was made by Filmation, there will be some reused animation and some errors meant to save money (but then again, it worked for Filmation, as it helped them stay open until the late 1980's). However, despite this, the show has some interesting stories and some good villains.