In one of the few times that another Charlie Chan film made reference to its immediate predecessor, Charlie Chan In Paris notes that Warner Oland is in Paris having picked up a client in London. Fans of the series will remember that Oland was in London solving the murder in a stable on an estate, a fact also specifically mentioned.
The clients who hired Oland are some bondholders who have bought what looks forged bonds from a respected Paris bank. These bonds have flooded the European market and threaten to bring financial panic on the alleged issuing bank run by Henry Kolker.
I have to say that the conspirators really had a clever scheme of forgery and a pretty good method of committing murder to protect the enterprise. Two murders are committed, one of them of John Miljan who has played a slew despicable villains on screen. In fact Miljan is branching out into a racket all his own when he's killed. That other racket though manages to cast suspicion on a false perpetrator.
Charlie Chan In Paris is one of the cleverest films in the Chan series and fans of Charlie should not miss this one.