This made for TV film was based on a true story so I have to accept that the events outlined actually did occur. There were a lot of caddy and cliquey girls misbehaving and being cruel to one another in an attempt to show who were the alpha girls, and who were the subordinates. Many of these young ladies came from affluent parents and unlimited funds to achieve their lofty goals easily influencing any voting on who gets in and who does not make the cut.
The lead actresses Aubrey Peeples (perpratrator) and Sarah Dugdale (victim) did more than an adequate job and if I did not know that these events actually happened then I would have said the film is hokey. But the events did happen and a number of families lives were ruined all because one young lady felt she was being shunned because she was not as rich as her peers, nor in with the "cheerleaders".
The fate of two of these ladies is life (and death) changing and any young teenagers (female and male) should pay close attention to how hurtful words and actions can be to their classmates.
I give the film a 6 out of 10 IMDB rating