When I first read about Garuda many decades ago, I was charmed by their nobility and, of course, to fly, what a great honor due to their being!
Though I have read about Buddhism several times and the Bhagavad Gita too, in all of the years since that first small introduction, I haven't encountered any other reference to Garuda and have only occasionally interacted with Buddhist or Hindu persons. That fact made encountering this movie, on one of my streaming services, a distinct pleasure, especially as I immediately remembered the Garuda.
Somewhat less than state-of-the-art animation aside, which was the only thing I rated this movie down for, I enjoyed this tale about the Garuda and the other classic mythical creatures, like the Naga, from Western Asian culture, because it pre-dates Western European cultural assumptions about rationalism and history, so the whole movie made me think about dimensions of human experience and struggle, things that all humans share throughout the ages, each in our own way in our own space-time.