It appears, and I agree to some extent, that the obvious references to Trump's divisiveness would be upsetting to some especially since this series is suppose to be entertaining fantasy and not politicized social commentary. The writer's could have been "meaner" to our President by referencing his, what was then, avoidance of mandatory Viet Nam military service w/plantar fasciitis which was a common upper white middle class avoidance tactic then & is primarily based on a person's honest self description. (I've had it twice, all it does is bother you when you first wake up then you can run miles or play bball for hours - no problem),. Or his tax avoidance, or his dad bankrolling his land flipping, or his treatment of much much younger females.
Anyway, the central plot theme was his emboldening the far active right to act upon their beliefs by mobilizing some of our innate fears - purpose was controlling the political future. Thus, it was not an accident that "clowns" were chosen as the fear carriers. Another, related, politicized theme was female degradation illustrated w/these quotes on whether they "can win an argument w/their husband"; "won't be catcalled"; "bosses won't talk about their tits"; "women can't lead"; "can be outsmarted & out muscled"; "should do is shut up"; "know their place & make a goddamn sandwich".