Overall not a bad documentary and was interesting in regards to learning about seed diversity. However the entire movie segues to a rant against Bio Tech using poisons and the community impact which felt very unrelated to the topic at hand.
The movie starts by discussing seed diversity and how through cultivation we have lost a large portion of our seed diversity, and rightly so they touched on the Bio-techs impact on agricultural streamlining to specific varieties and how they impact farmers from saving seeds, and concludes with the efforts of local seed banks in saving the varieties we have and how they are trying to discover more.
In the middle though they segue to an island in Hawaii and the impact Bio-Tech testing pesticides is having on it. In my opinion it really didn't belong in this documentary as while I understand Bio- Tech is hurting seed diversity, their community impacts by testing pesticides doesn't effect diversity of seeds. This segue made it feel very much like this documentary was a cleverly disguised hit piece against the Bio-tech industry disguised with seed diversity.
Do not get me wrong I have no love for the Bio-tech industry either, but I do not like when a documentary tries to deceive the audience into believing they are watching something besides a hit piece on the bio-tech industry