I enjoy a good documentary about passions and technology, and I've enjoyed quite a few similar car documentaries, but this one was just unwatchable. Just drags on and on and on with no point, no plot, no punchline. It's like the entire documentary is an "intro" to another documentary, I sat there waiting and waiting and waiting for it to start, and by the half-hour point just gave up. Devoid of any fascinating technical details, exploration of the car, survey of the design process, view of the production process, etc. This entire documentary could have been a three minute special, with two or three shots of the car and an interview with the team leader. Instead, you got about three hundred shots of the car from every angle over the course of an hour, and still, no meaningful interviews...all style with no substance. Watching this documentary is the equivalent of staring at a few pretty magazine pictures, with small, poorly informative captions underneath. Don't waste your time.