I know that many fans of the original series may be disappointed that this show is not as dark, action-packed or plot-filled as the original. But for those that are seeking a fun and adventurous show like "Adventure Time" instead of a children's version of "Sherlock Holmes", then this is the show for you.
In fact, I was a fan of the original series and enjoyed every episode in this series. It's simply a new twist on the great show that it's predecessor was. It's different, is all, and that's no reason to completely despise it.
Although this show still has it's faults. This new series does not have as much character development or crime-fighting that made the original loved by all ages. In other words, there isn't much action or plot to this show, it's instead focused on comedy and adventure (which is the opposite of what the original was). And that's why it may become dull and pointless for some after a couple of episodes. Some will like that and some will hate that. But hey, it's a show meant for Cartoon Network. What else would you expect?
In conclusion, this is a well animated and cheerfully written show meant for all ages and families, like shows on Cartoon Network should be. However, it's not what most DCU's work is famous for, so fans of DCU may be disappointed.