Much like with the Puppet Master franchise, Demonic Toys has entered the spin off era with different characters getting their own feature. Baby Oppsie was a surprise hit and now we get Jack-Attack. The premise alone is find for this type of feature, but admist decent gore, something feels missed.
The plot involves a mute girl that moves in with a foster family after a traumatic moment. Among her possessions she carries is a toy Jack in the Box with the killer creature named Jack Attack. Once unleased, the evil clown monster hits the family one by one in scenes where the gore is not too bad. However, the staging in some of them feels rather off. One character is tripped in the woodchipper and gets automatically sliced to goo. That would be a fine kill it was shot well enough. Another involves an anvil that is kind of creative, but I do feel like more damage could have been done than scratching someone's face off.
I am not too hard on the performances given this is a low budget B movie. Everyone is tying to make the material work and the dark tone is consistent throughout. However, earlier in the year, Subspecies V raised the bar so easily that I wondered if Full Moon's quality would improve.
Yet, I guess it's quick 59 minute in and out motif is not going away soon. I feel like these are interesting ideas if it took the time to perfect the kills or let alone atmosphere. Doctor Death had the quick approach, but that worked for how well the scenes were staged and the impact the deaths left. I guess if you want a fast moving feature, this is your game. Yet a small tease near the end does leave me wondering where else this could go...