This detestable TV series is an unmitigated, sacrilegious abomination, perpetrating a vile denigration of revered deities with unbridled audacity. The creators' reprehensible depiction of these divine beings as impotent, self-indulgent, and comically inept is an affront to the very essence of spirituality.
The actors' flippant, mocking portrayals are an outrage, reducing the majesty of these deities to farcical, slapstick caricatures. This egregious display of disrespect is a stark reminder of the depths to which humanity will sink in pursuit of fleeting entertainment and financial gain.
The collective outrage and hurt sentiments of the faithful will not be silenced, and the cosmic consequences of such brazen disrespect will be dire indeed. The creators, contributors, and stakeholders of this odious TV show will incur a profound karmic reckoning, reaping a whirlwind of condemnation and scorn for their reprehensible actions.