Hatching (2022) is a Finnish Horror movie my wife and I caught in theatres this weekend. The storyline follows a little girl who finds a unique crow and it's egg and decides to bring the egg home and nurture it through birth. She would never guess what comes out of the egg... Meanwhile her parents are going through a divorce and there's troubles at home.
This movie is directed by Hanna Bergholm in her directorial debut and stars Sophia Heikkilä (Invisible Heroes), Jani Volanen (Rumble), Oiva Ollila and Siiri Solalinna.
The storyline for this is very creative and unique. The characters are very well cast and the mother is portrayed perfectly by Heikkilä. The little girl was a bit annoying at times, but there's so much to like about this movie. The creature evolves well over time and they use great special effects to make it happen. The feeding scenes were ultra gross and hard for me to watch. The use of sound effects were excellent and made me cringe in many scenes. There's also some really good jump scenes and sequences that make you uncomfortable. There's a lot going on in this movie.
This is a fresh entry into the horror genre that I would consider a must see. I'd score this a 7/10 and strongly recommend it.