I have a tendency to revisit things I find interesting again and again over the course of years. I hadn't really paid too much attention to the OJ trial in the last several years and only recently became aware of this series, and am I glad I did!
It is, by far, one of the best overall documentaries of the case. It's also very interesting to me how (and I can only speak for myself) differently I see this case now than I did when it originally happened. Then, I was pretty sure that OJ was guilty. After seeing this series, I'm 100% convinced of it. And don't mistake me, this series shows no bias at all. It's a very objective look at the OJ trial and nothing more.
It's much easier now to look at this footage objectively after 25 (now 28) years and take in all of the evidence there was against him. Although the story and the two murders are still horrendous, I don't have as much of an emotional connection to it as I did in 1994-95. And, for me, objectively speaking, the defense steamrolled over the prosecution with innuendo, assumptions, and in some cases, out and out falsehoods.
I will never understand how anyone can look at the blood evidence alone and come to any other conclusion but that he's guilty. It's easy to say things like, "the police planted it," which is a thoughtless and easy conspiracy theory to make, but there would have had to have been FAR too many people involved for it to work, from all the detectives to the criminalists. So, if there's no conspiracy, that leaves the obvious. The case, by the way, is considered unsolved to this day. No other credible suspect has ever emerged.
If you're looking to revisit the OJ Simpson trial, which could very convincingly be called the first "reality show," check this out on the Court TV website where you can stream it. And that's no joke, I firmly believe that without the OJ trial, the glut of reality shows that followed would never have happened like they did. There is even a Kardashian involved in the trial! Only in America.