The Voice Inside is doing what all independent horror shorts should be doing; It pushes the envelope. It's daring and disgusting, loathsome and lovable. Relying solely on a cast of ONE it could easily have become stale but Elias' (protagonist/antagonist) story maintains a good pace as the film moves towards the payoff. It's an ugly film and some people will find it disturbing but that's exactly what Elias & Co wants you to feel. On that level it's pure gold. Sitting comfortably one step above TROMA and just under Jackson's Bad Taste, The Voice Inside has a bit of a film school quality to it (whether the creators went to school or not I don't know?) and Elias occasional 'Bruce Campbell-isms' flirt with Raimi's classic a tad too much. But all in all it plays very well and you can't shake the feeling that you've watched something quite original and utterly disturbing. A (short) breath of fresh air in a land of stinky remakes.