I remember the very first copy of this game I ever bought, it was for my little brothers 8th birthday and further more I remember him booting it up on our new PS2 and instantly hating that it was his.
This was at the time the best game I had ever seen! The graphics were out of this world, the characters were quirky and fun, the story was horrifying and the game-play was original with so many tens spots.
I have had to buy four more copies since then due to me burning through it so often as a child, but that was 2004 and it is now 2016 and games have come a long way so for pure nostalgia I decided to boot it up and after 12 I found myself just as in love with it!
The graphics had surprisingly managed to still keep up with some much later games admittedly it was mostly character graphics but the worlds are still some of the most original to date but my favorite being the school. It was such a fun game and while yes the game had aged a little I found myself unaffected, however other then for nostalgia sake there was little to no replay value but hell if I wouldn't sink my teeth into a remaster. I missed the characters and I think that sequels could have been a thing if user ratings at the time hadn't been so poor but I think it's surprisingly original.
Hope you guys give it a go.