I don't hate low-budget movies, nor do I watch a movie trying to hate it. There are some entertaining movies even on a low-budget, and I always try and judge a film fairly regardless of others' opinions or the reputation of its company or director. These in mind and despite its interesting idea, I just couldn't bring myself to like The Demons in My Mind. As I've said the concept is interesting and there is some decent if not great gore, but even they are not enough to salvage the movie. Visually, it is an eyesore. Now I knew it was going to be low-budget and when effort is made I try to be lenient. But here, the editing is just all over the place, the green filter is incredibly distracting(I can see why they did it but it was just done badly) and the special effects are enough to make even Ed Wood, if he was alive, turn down. It fares even worse from a written quality standpoint. The script is a joke, humourless, padded out and even with jargon that I imagine that even the writers were confused by. The characters are stereotypical, now that is not a problem if the character is well written or likable, instead the characters are obnoxious and we learn little about them. The acting does nothing to help, in fact the actors just couldn't do anything with what they were given, some try but others look as though they wanted to go home. In the directing, like in To Become One there is an attempt to do something innovative but in the end not only does it distract from the storytelling but it further cheapens the movie itself. But my main issue with The Demons in My Head was that the story didn't seem to know what it wanted to be. There seemed to be a hybrid of horror, comedy and sci-fi. The problem wasn't having more than one genre going on at once, I've seen that being done in movies very effectively. The problem was how these genres were executed, there are not many movies around that manage to make a mess of doing a movie this way, but The Demons in My Head did it. The horror elements had no suspense and just looked unconvincing as well, the comedy just wasn't funny due to bad dialogue and non-existent comic timing and the sci-fi elements were just muddled. The pacing was fairly strong to begin with, but very quickly as all the flaws kicked in meandered into tedium. All in all, seemed interesting but in the end it was cheap, poorly written and acted and just didn't seem to have any idea what it wanted to be. 1/10 Bethany Cox