What cheap-cheap Feature Length Animated Film for girls would be complete without lots of pink, some hot boys, an Alpha Bitch getting her comeuppance, a talking cat and a message on The Power Of Friendship? And don't forget that not ALL witches are wart ridden old hags... At least the younger generation aren't. The green skin and spots only seem to arrive when they're older. Something for Sabrina & Co to look forward to.
Basically, an average TV movie from an average TV series. You want more? Okay... Shall I compare ye to a fast food meal. Twas will fill ye up, but hath no nutritional value at all. I don't think that the great bard was thinking of this when he penned those immortal words, but they're accurate nonetheless.
In the meantime, there's a whole host of other, tastier dishes to partake of in the genre. Mostly by gourmet chefs calling themselves 'Pixar' and 'Disney' These tantilising culinary treats will both satisfy AND edify. My advice is: Go for one of them. Bon Appetite. 5/10