This version offers a marginal/vague coherence to the story as we all know it. But as the film rolls, this vagueness begins to be increasingly troublesome when the other obvious deficits of the film begin to weigh in.
The soundtrack is poorly executed, reminding me of listening to a second rate TV station late at night, when the commercials are horrendously too loud in relation to the program. In this case, the musical score is loud, and the character voice track is muted, but the similarity is obvious to even a casual listener. And it is every bit as annoying, especially since you are viewing a package that is supposedly offered by a single entity, without advertisers inserting later leverage with after-the-fact dollars.
The animation is okay but not exceptional in any way. And it is a far cry from that in the original Disney classic. And the biggest problem is that the animation is the strong point for this version. The rest of it all trails off rather miserably after that.
The story is pretty badly corrupted, and the nuances of the original are largely lost in this very weak imitation. If you have seen the Disney original (and who hasn't?) then you will likely be sorely disappointed with this rendition. But there may be those who can dispute this. Who can say? If you have not seen the Disney feature, then the original story is so strong (even corrupted to this degree) that you might see this version as exceptional.