This film, despite its heavy-handed Hollywood attempt at making heroes out of villains, is a perfect example of how Hollywood handled misinformation in the 1940s and 1950s. American Indians were bad and every Westerner from the Mayflower to California was good. Then, as we got older, we realized just the opposite was true. England was good and anyone who opposed them was bad. And as we got older, we learned that was all lies as well. Occasionally, both the US and England were on the right side of morality, as in WW1 and WW 2, but more often than not, there were merely colonialists and imperialists; especially after WW 2. This film is a perfect example of that. US arms dealer and fuddy-duddy UK colonialists along with a spineless Indian leader. No wonder the Pakistinians took whatever they wanted in the north and broke away from India. Absolutely no relationship to reality.