"Lucky Lyndon is a seedy but enthusiastic talent agent specializing in giving breaks to unknowns. Lyndon spends the entire picture looking for the next 'big star'. He never realizes that his secretary Ruth Cavour (played by Sarah Churchill, Winston's daughter) is madly in love with him. By the time he figures it out, Lyndon has nearly come to grief trying to promote an ungrateful nightclub songstress," according to the DVD sleeve description.
Basically, a British variety show hosted by husband and wife team Vic Oliver and Sarah Churchill. Unfortunately, Mr. Oliver doesn't find the new Garbo he mentions. The main attraction is 1930s platinum "blonde bombshell" Evelyn Dall (as Suzanne), who sings "Salome" and "Costa Rumba" with the usual gusto. Uriel Porter (as George Washington Brown) is also worth a listen. Joan Greenwood and Barbara Everest make notable appearances.
*** He Found a Star (8/28/41) John Paddy Carstairs ~ Vic Oliver, Sarah Churchill, Evelyn Dall, Uriel Porter