Fast paced farce! Funny picture! Cast and Crew do an excellent job in all departments!!! Projected a beautiful 16mm reduction print! Gotta see a classic black and white flick on film on a projector - that's the only way! Both female leads were HOT chicks! The film never lets up! Critics of motion pictures all suck because none of them could do a better job of directing a picture that they dislike! The 1940's flicks all ROCK because everybody who worked on them were all seasoned professionals - unlike today! Tripods and perfect lighting are a must! Clear soundtracks when you can understand every word spoken! No screen time wasted! Under 90 minutes is all you need to get a point across! Sorry Quentin, your flicks are way too long, but it's nice you still love motion picture film - and not digital! Keep up the good work! So kick back and enjoy a funny little picture at 24 frames per second! That's 1,440 pictures flashing before you eyes in one screen minute! Imagine that! I'm sure the stupid distributors have allowed the nitrate cut negatives and optical soundtracks to decompose, while letting their copyrights laps into public domain - finding little value in these old B flicks, too bad they never saw the internet coming! Oh yea, who needs R rated movies! This flick has so many sexual innuendos it's hilarious! People hated the Hayes Office, but in a way censorship made for the best movies ever! When adults went to the movies, that used their brains! And I'll see you at the movies!