This Hal Roach comedy short, Little Papa, is the one hundred thirty-ninth in the "Our Gang/Little Rascals" series and the fifty-first talkie. Spanky is anxious to play football with the gang but his mother makes him take care of his baby sister (Patsy Dittemore or May) while she goes out. So Spank and Alfalfa try to make her sleep. Now if only they can get out of the house without waking her up...This was another funny Our Gang comedy with Spanky and Alf making a fine comedy team. It's like a miniature Laurel & Hardy, complete with Alfalfa singing "Go to Sleep" like Ollie did previously in Brats! Leonard Maltin & Richard W. Bann complained about that factor when reviewing this short in their book, "The Little Rascals: The Life and Times of Our Gang", but since I love both Stan & Ollie and Spanky & Alfalfa, seeing them doing some of the same things just make me laugh and smile all over! So on that note, I highly recommend Little Papa.