"Munafik 2" is a Malay language supernatural horror movie that was released in 2018. It is the second part of the trilogy. The third is coming on its way. This film became the highest-grossing local film in Malaysia.
"Munafik" refers to a person who is a hypocrite. It's a purely Islamic horror flick. There are many references from Quran and Hadith in this movie. The story of this film is connected with the first part. But if you haven't watched the previous part, there won't be any such problem to understand.
Abuja wants to divert the faith of villagers from Islam and forces them to follow his teachings. If anyone denies following his path, he tortures the person with his black magic. Sakinah, daughter of the Imam of the village asks for help from a preacher to save her family from the devil. Adam who already cluttered himself in his thoughts agrees to help Sakinah and the villagers from Abuja.
Syamsul Yusof is the director, producer, and male protagonist in this film. He is indeed a talented person. Camera work is impressive but the editing is extremely poor. I found the treatment dramatic. The jumpscares are predictable.
If you want to watch a horror movie at midnight inside a dark room then you would find this movie scary. Otherwise, "Munafik 2" is good for a one-time watch.