I thought this YouTube series was hilarious. The guy playing Trump does a very funny interpretation of the character and I think his voice is an awesome Trump voice. He is shorter than Trump but has a very good Trump look and the voice especially is probably the most spot on Trump I have seen or heard. Big shout outs also to Chris Christie and the rest of the cast who are very funny. Chris Christie is a great doormat loser character and the ancient Nazi is a great throwback to Peter Sellers in Doctor Strangelove right down to the wheel chair and Nazi salute. Also a shout out to them because looking back nobody thought Trump had a chance to win but they did a funny version of his first 100 days before the election and it actually kind of mirrors some of the stuff that has actually happened. Funny how a show that makes fun of extreme things you don't think could actually happen can end up in some ways being less extreme than what happens in true life!