In principle this should have been a stellar movie. The story is interesting, the visuals frequently dramatic, and there are lots of details that can be explained to appeal to the likely audience.
Unfortunately the writer/directors seemed to think they were creating a piece of Reality TV. The entire movie is paced and narrated in Reality TV style -- narrator says something, then the even happens and participants say the exact same thing, then five minutes later narrator repeats the thing. The audience are treated as morons who can't remember anything for longer than 30 seconds, and who need even the most trivial issues explained to them.
And so rather than a serous, technical documentary that would have a natural audience, we have this nonsense which will appeal to no-one. Engineers watching it will lose patience within 20 minutes, those uninterested in engineering would rather be watching the Real Housewives of Silicon Valley.
The obvious comparison is to the Red Bull Stratos movie, Mission to the Edge of Space. Regardless of the differences in engineering approach, the latter is a vastly superior movie because the creators know and respect their audience.